Megan's Head

A place where Megan gets off her head.

Do NOT miss NOT The Midnight Mass

files.php I went on Thursday night to their final preview ( I was away in Plett for their opening on Friday) and it was fabulous. This is perfect summer holiday fare; funny, quirky, balanced, artful and totally feel good.

Not The Midnight Mass celebrates its 21st birthday with this incarnation and it is worth the trip to Theatre on The Bay to have the best time ever in a theatre.

Genius anchors Graham Weir and Christine Weir are joined by Amanda Tiffin (who has blossomed into the most amazing actress; she always was a dream of a singer), Jason Ralph who is divine to watch singing with his magnificent voice, and the hugely huge and talented Pierre van Heerden who is made for this type of work.

I was jealous not to be involved this time. I love Not the Midnight Mass and have directed and stage managed the show a few times over the years. But after I got over the jealousy I sat forward in my seat and blommed. There are the old faves The Hallelujah Chorus, Wuthering HeightsGraham’s original Eh Barahn. There are some new surprises and some brilliant re-workings. The only thing I wasn’t crazy about was the TV theme medley and that’s probably because the volume in the first half was a bit down and it needed to be a bit more punchy.

I swear, this is a show that people need to see this holiday. It cheers your soul. If you are choosing what to spend your theatre money on then choose this.




Still Celebrating!


  1. Jess

    Woohoo! Can’t wait!

  2. Donal

    I saw it too and was (am) amazed. Alan Committie has done a really top job at bringing out more of the comedy. I was there with my family and grinned from earball to earball – although I was also a tad jealous about not being involved this time. It was great to see how it all comes across from the other side of the arch and it’s hugely entertaining and uplifting: exactly what theatre should be (so less have no more of this ‘workshopped’ kak please!)

  3. megan

    Hey Donal!
    Where’s yr troosers?

  4. Donal

    Megan, me troosers is gone! Ahm a-wearin’ a skirt noo, bejasus! Like your site. You f***in’ tell them, girl!

  5. megan

    don’ be a girl’s blouse! Keep yr hat on! Show us yr legs!

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