Megan's Head

A place where Megan gets off her head.

Tag: Alexander Bar (Page 3 of 8)

The birthing of a new production

Yesterday was a rollercoaster. I held auditions. I find it as hard holding them as doing them. I have to put out an enormous amount of energy to get people to be their best selves and to have a good time. That’s important to me. I was lucky yesterday. I allowed my instincts to speak loudly and I had no doubts about the two people I cast for a fantastic play I will be directing really soon. Now that the decision is made, and my offer has been accepted, I am allowing my imagination to soar. I am in the space of possibility and dreaming into the ideas, the vision, the meaning, the flow. And I am so terribly excited to be directing somebody else’s writing.

Last year I met an extraordinary young woman, Sara Shaarawi, at the WPIC (Women Playwrights International Conference) held in Cape Town. I was assigned to her as a director to work on a staged reading of an excerpt of her play Niqabi Ninja, and I got very excited. I knew I wanted to put the piece on, but timing and other stuff and life got in the way, until the Rhodes Reference List protests reminded me of how relevant and important this piece is. I wrote to Sara and told her I was ready to try and put it on, and she sent me the latest draft. It is radical.

So, on 18, 19, 20 July we will be doing a showcase of the play at The Alexander Bar. I will be inviting some VIPs of the theatre world (in Cape Town) because this piece must be seen, and appreciated, by as many young people as possible. And I am so, so excited. Save the dates, and come and have a look.

The mind-blowing, moving Sillage

1047_sillagenafsqrI must confess to having been equally intrigued and irritated by the title. Sillage. (Actually, not even spell check likes it, and tried to change it to Village.) I had no idea how to say it. Once I understood what the word meant – the degree to which a perfume’s fragrance lingers in the air when worn – I loved the idea of it, but I did find it pretentiously oblique. This can be dangerous for a title of a theatre piece. If people don’t understand it, they might not want to see it. It is pretty risky. But I am a hardened theatre goer. I put my big theatre pants on and off I went to the Alexander Bar to see this piece written and directed by Penny Youngelson and performed by Rebecca Makin-Taylor and Michelle Belknap.

And I was undone by it. It is the only expression that describes the quiet emotional landslide that this piece took me on. The plot is simple; a daughter comes back to her parents’ home to help her mother pack up and organise the move to downscale. The play is their relationship.

Now, it is no secret that I have a deeply complicated story with my mother, and this play was no reflection of it, but I was so engrossed in this dynamic, and felt so completely for both characters, it was like being the third person in the room; the one that was them both. As personal becomes political becomes personal the emotional ripples are both inward and outward, and I kept on wondering who I was, here in this world, in this country, in this city, in this suburb, in this age, in this house. I was taken.

The writing is superb, the direction is clever and beautiful and the performances are electric, magnetic, truthful and huge. I felt everything. Always. It was an hour of me being there, in it.

I have not loved much theatre this year. I have been the irritation of others because I have remained mostly unmoved by the work that has been raved about. But this. This Sillage, is the kind of theatre that moves me.

As far as I know it is on for three more shows this run, but it is going to the Gtown fest. Do not miss it.

Love Me Tinder – Violet Online Rebooted

LovemetinderI was shocked to see how long it has been since I wrote a blog post. Clearly, I have been busy with other things; other writing, rehearsing, doing. I miss the kind of stuff I let loose on meganshead, especially the kind of random stuff that just pops into my head and out into the blogosphere. This post is not that. It is a very specific, share the joy, self promotion (and promotion of others) type of post. It is about the incredibly short run of the latest instalment of Violet Online, opening tomorrow night at The Alexander Bar.

When the loveliest Lynita Crofford asked me to direct the first Violet Online and I said yes, we were both a little nervous about how it would be received. Lynita had been reading (and chuckling and clucking and guffawing at) these anonymous blog posts written by a recently divorced, looking for a new way of being in the world, over forty everywoman, and Lynita (rightly so) thought it would make great one-woman-show material. It did. Violet Online managed to do something a lot of other theatre doesn’t; appeal completely and with delicious abandon to a not very obvious theatre audience. What a treat. Women, and their girlfriends, and their lovers, and their dates, and their husbands (first, second and third) flocked to Violet Online in Cape Town (thrice), Grahamstown and Jozi. People could relate. Mothers and daughters nodded knowingly at Brazilian waxes, bad brush offs, flaming hot sex, online Scrabble sex, and dresses, dickheads and dodgy dates. People wanted more of Violet. She was hilarious in that completely relatable way.

And the real Violet came out. The proud writer now has the most outrageous and delicious blog of her own. It is irresistible. You will become addicted. Check it out, here.

So, since the last time Violet appeared on stage, airing her slightly damp french underwear in public, she has grown in confidence, and experience. She has a whole lot more to talk about, and there are fewer holds barred. Botox, bargains, boobs, balls, boys, bakers, brisk walks; you name it.

I love this Violet, and I know you will too. Lots of people are anticipating loving her, and have booked their tickets for this very short run, in the tiny theatre. So get in there. Book here online now. And join us as we laugh and delight in Violet’s continued search for love, and sex, and love AND sex.

Fortune Cookie and first resolutions

There is nothing more fantastic than performing a show as soon as the year starts. It’s like those first days of total commitment to your New Year’s resolutions. I know it’s silly, but it colours how you think your year will turn out, and especially with improv, this means positive, creative team work and fun. I am also kicking my year off with a tiny bit of work (if you can call such fun work) before going on holiday. How lucky am I? So we had our first show last night (terrific and fabulous) and we have another tonight and tomorrow night (Alexander Bar, 8pm) if you wanna.

I have also hitchhiked onto an idea that Big Friendly suggested, which is to try 30 days of new habits instead of hard core resolutions, and my first one is to not drink alcohol for at least 30 days. I am on day five today. Honestly, nothing much has changed (I am suffering from a sinus thing that feels just like a hangover, to be honest) except for how easy it is not to drink. That’s it. I really don’t see the problem. So, I won’t drink for 30 days and then I’ll see how I like it. I know for sure I’ll have a little extra cash in my pocket, and I’ll probably be able to lose a few extra inches. Those are the benefits. Let’s see how I go.

Five days in, and aside from Penny Sparrow and the other hideous racists, I am having a good one so far.


Dani And The Lion – why I breathe

11015775_10155874538220525_4684693933954421769_nSometimes a show comes along that makes me feel everything. Sometimes a show comes along that I see more than once and want to see again. This time it is Dani And the Lion, on at The Alexander Bar until the end of the week.

I don’t know why this is the show that touches me in all the right places, the laughing place and crying place and sharing place and amazement place. Maybe because it is so deeply original. Maybe because it is silly and painful and hilarious and quirky. Maybe it is because Daneel van der Walt (and Roelof Coelyn also) is one of my favourite performers ever.

Daneel’s original songs are so beautiful and strange. A bit like Tom Waits lyrics crossed with Joe Jackson melodies and Eartha Kitt vocals. Not like that, but reminding me of that. Daneel’s stories would be heartbreaking if they weren’t so touchingly funny. She makes me love her and want to be her, and she inspires me, and I want to see this show again and again. You should see it. You have 4 more chances. Go tomorrow.

PS. I don’t ‘review’ shows anymore, but this is an exceptional exception.

Illness and Inspiration

I have been waiting for the flu to pass. I have that seasonal flu that keeps kind of threatening to get better and then gets kind of worse again. I don’t like being sick, and I think that my immune system is a bit weak from the stinking tick bite fever I had, but more that 4 lines of sick diary is unacceptable, so.

I am trying to focus on some upandcoming good stuff, and the first one coming is this.



What this is is 5 performances of an improv show called impromp2, running at the Alexander Bar theatre at 9pm from Tuesday 19 May to Saturday 23 May. How it’s going to work is, every night I will be joined on stage by a different improviser from ImproGuise and the two of us will perform duets for 55 minutes. Some of us have had brief conversations, or email chats about what we want to do. Others haven’t had even that. All I know is that, with the best improvisers in Cape Town, we are going to make each other look good.

Here is a bit about each improviser that will be joining me, and the night that they share the stage.

1. Tuesdsay 19 May is Brett Anderson night. Brett is a crazy lateral thinker, clever wordsmith, multi-hair-do, Terry Pratchett fan, powerful force of good improviser. I love playing with him. We are going to try out a completely new format. So new we don’t even know what it is called. #nobobisnotinvited

2. Wednesday 20 May is Anne Hirsch night. Anne doesn’t need any introduction. She is her own hilarious brand of kook. Anne and I haven’t spoken yet. I am not scared. She is so funny and crazy and unexpected on stage. And on youtube, and on Twitter. Do not miss this. #iheartAnneHirsch

3. Thursday 21 May is Ryan Jales night. I love playing with Ryan, and it just so happens that the two of us have done some of our finest improv with and on each other at the Alexander Bar. Ryan is a writer, copy writer, comic maker, PR guy, and I think he is the only improv guy in Cape Town who knows how to use his iPad properly. #justsaying

4. Friday 22 May is Carolyn Lewis night. Carolyn was in the first ever TheatreSports course I ever ran, ever, in Cape Town. She is my cougar of comedy, my delicious of naughty partner. She is also gearing up to launch her stand-up career again, and I have had a sneak preview and it is high-larious. #watchthisspace

5. Saturday 23 May is Tandi (Bucket) Buchan night. Oh joy. Oh fun. Oh love of improv. Tandi and I have inherited improv genes. We met, fell in love, and have been married to each other through improv for over 20 years. When Tandi knew we were going to be doing this she sent me an email with 16 ideas for formats. I have no idea how we are going to choose from the crazy thoughts in her brain.

So, there is a lot to choose from. I decided to keep the tickets as cheap as possible so you can come to more than one. But I warn you. They are going to be so good (and different and unique) you will want to see them all.

What about Leon Clingman I hear you say. Well, when I got confirmation to do this gig Leon was away, shooting in Jozi, and all 5 nights were snapped up by people who were actually there. Damn I want Leon all to myself to play with. Leon plays my husband, brother, assassin, mad professor, clown lover like nobody else. I will arrange another run just so I can play with him.

Ok, bookings are now open on the Alexander Bar website and you get R10 off your ticket if you book for it online. And go!

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