Last week’s improv fest got off to one hellova start for all of us, and for me in particular. We ‘opened’ our long form improv fest with a magnificent Western directed by Candice D’Arcy, and it was dark, bloody, moody and magical. I played the brothel Madam Cas, and I loved every second of being the power hungry, hard-as-nails, bitch of the town, right up until I was shot and died in front of the audience. Hectic.
Then, on Thursday night it was Tandi Buchan’s turn to direct Thursday at Thornton Hall, our full length improvised period drama. This time I was a slightly crazed, old, animal loving aunt to an eligible young bachelor, and I can say with confidence that it was the most fun I have had on stage in a very, very long time, even though there were only about 10 terribly lucky audience members there.
This week I am on stage every night, and directing the Austen on Thursday and the Family Musical on Friday. Plus I am performing the Saturday Superscene; viscious, competitive, highly entertaining improv. How could you resist? Come check us out. Here is a pic of us pre-Thornton Hall.