Megan's Head

A place where Megan gets off her head.

Tag: Candice D’Arcy (Page 2 of 3)

Rocking Improv Fest

Last week’s improv fest got off to one hellova start for all of us, and for me in particular. We ‘opened’ our long form improv fest with a magnificent Western directed by Candice D’Arcy, and it was dark, bloody, moody and magical. I played the brothel Madam Cas, and I loved every second of being the power hungry, hard-as-nails, bitch of the town, right up until I was shot and died in front of the audience. Hectic.

Then, on Thursday night it was Tandi Buchan’s turn to direct Thursday at Thornton Hall, our full length improvised period drama. This time I was a slightly crazed, old, animal loving aunt to an eligible young bachelor, and I can say with confidence that it was the most fun I have had on stage in a very, very long time, even though there were only about 10 terribly lucky audience members there.

This week I am on stage every night, and directing the Austen on Thursday and the Family Musical on Friday. Plus I am performing the Saturday Superscene; viscious, competitive, highly entertaining improv. How could you resist? Come check us out. Here is a pic of us pre-Thornton Hall.

The Official New Courses Press Release

We Improguisers, best known as the company who performs Cape Town’s best loved and longest running live improv show TheatreSports, will be running two fabulous and comprehensive improvisation workshops, starting on Thursday 6 September 2012, and running once a week for eight weeks.

One course will be Improv for Actors; aimed at taking trained actors through the aspects of improv that develop the skills of spontaneity, team work, characterisation, status, being present and truth, to name a few. The aim will be to get trained actors ready to perform both long and short form improv.

The second course, which will run concurrently, is for everybody. Do your friends and family tell you that you are funny? Was the last time you were on stage your school play, and do you miss it? Did you watch every episode of Whose Line is It Anyway? And think, “I can do that!” Have you seen TheatreSports and thought, “That’s what I want to do!” Are you a web designer, dog walker, gym instructor, radio announcer, or any other kind of somebody with a desire to improvise? Then this course is for you. It is a high impact, fast paced intro to improv that will make you feel fabulous. And, if you show promise, you could be invited to join the current team.

Course facilitators Megan Furniss, Tandi Buchan and Candice D’Arcy have returned from Improvention, a massive and inspiring Australian Improv festival, with the improv fire burning strong in their hearts and the vision of turning Cape Town into South Africa’s improv capital.

“We need a huge team of talented, committed improvisers to perform in all the formats, styles and shows we want to get going,” says improv veteran Megan Furniss. “We were so inspired, and saw so much, and back home we have an audience ready for new and exciting forms of improv”.

So, we want you! Contact Megan immediately to secure your place in either course, and to find out the finer details, like costs, times and venues.

  cell:083 4403961 follow @meganshead and @theatresportsSA on Twitter

TheatreSports FUNdraiser 3

CT to Canberra FUNdraiser 2

I wrote this letter today.

Dear friends, family and fans of TheatreSports SA and improvisation

As you may know, Tandi Buchan, Candice D’Arcy and I (Megan Furniss) are going to Canberra, Australia in the first week of July to attend and participate in Improvention, a massive international improv festival. It’s an amazing opportunity to mix with the best improvisers around the world, share our skills and talents, learn everything we can in a week, and come back with inspiring ways to take improv forward in Cape Town and South Africa. We are so excited.

To raise money to pay for our air tickets we have a big FUNdraiser planned for the 23rd of May, at Artscape’s Drama Theatre. Tickets are R120 each, and the evening promises to be a mad marathon of improv games performed by the cream of TheatreSportsSA team, mystery celebrity appearances and even a prize or two for the audience. We would love to see you there.

We have asked people to Save The Date, and a few of our supporters have expressed an interest in contributing even though they can’t be there on the night. And who are we to refuse? On the contrary, we are extremely grateful. So, if you are elsewhere in the country (or world) and would like to help send CT to Canberra, here are our bank account details.  Please reference your contribution as Canberra Fund, so we know your money is for sending us on our way.


FNB acc: 62266347262

Branch Gardens, code: 201511

Reference: Canberra Fund

Thank you for having expressed such a positive interest in helping us.

Yours faithfully

Megan Furniss, Tandi Buchan and Candice D’Arcy

Send CT to Canberra – A TheatreSports FUNdraiser

Save The Date


Send Cape Town to Canberra – A TheatreSports FUNdraiser

What is it? you say

An amazing one and a half hour long improv performance with long and short games, music, a mystery celebrity guest player and guaranteed improv craziness

But! Where will it be?

Artscape’s huge Drama Theatre

And when? you ask

May 23 at 2015

How much? you enquire, with raised eyebrow

R120 a ticket

And how do we get one of those tickets?

You book at Computicket, from the 1st of May.

Who will do it?

The best, sexiest and most fabulous TheatreSports team of improvisers


Megan Furniss, Tandi Buchan and Candice D’Arcy, veteran TheatreSports players and improv experts, are flying across a very big piece of sea to Canberra, Australia, host of an international improvisation explosion in July. The three will be facilitating workshops, attending workshops, watching and playing in improv shows and meeting the cream of improvisers from around the globe. And when they get back they will be exploding with everything they saw, heard and did. But they need the help of those who love what they do. Flying across that sea is violently, terribly expensive! So this special, amazing, once-off FUNdraiser is being held to gather a pocketful of funds to make it all possible. And they guarantee that it will be an awesome evening of the best improv entertainment ever. And that’s why you need to save the date, and then come.

Making way for the big, beautiful stuff

When I realised what was going down with my application for Grahamstown this year I was really angry, hurt and frustrated. To be honest, I didn’t know what to do. I felt like I was in a bad dream and I kept hoping (inwardly) that I had got it wrong and that it would turn out right in the end. And that is exactly what has happened for me.

It turns out I am going to NYC in June for work; I have been working on a very amazing business for the last six or so years called Great Guide and I am going to NYC to do research for the City Sightseeing Bus there. It gets better. One of my besties and most favourite travel partner Jaci de Villiers is coming with because we will be designing, planning and writing the content together. I wake up in the middle of the night with a ball of excitement in my gut.

As if that wasn’t enough, Tandi Buchan, Candice D’Arcy and I are representing SA improv and will be travelling to Canberra Oz to participate in a massive improv festival for the first week of July, at the exact time of the Grahamstown festival. I will be spending the rest of the month in Oz, checking out the improv and theatre scene, hanging with friends and family, and hooking up with another bestie Robyn at her house in the hills of Oz. Can you believe it? I am beyond myself with excitement.

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