Megan's Head

A place where Megan gets off her head.

Tag: facebook (Page 3 of 3)

It has started

Noah of Cape Town has begun. As I write this the cast of 16 magnificents,  as they shall become known, are in their second day of rehearsals. When I called the Big Magnificent, or , yesterday afternoon to find out how it was all going I could hear the magnificents singing in the background. Omigod. This is the most exciting thing that I have ever been involved in. I am actually drooling. And I’m not even there. I can see what’s going to happen though. Sneak visits to the rehearsal venue. “I just thought I’d bring….”, “I was thinking that maybe…”,”don’t you guys need….?”.

I can’t wait. Literally. I am beyond excited.

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It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Oh the interweb

So I’m sitting here with the magnificent and talented Big Friendly and we (and when I say we I mean me swearing and complaining while Big friendly does stuff and complains when I can’t finish my sentences about what it is I’m complaining about but most of the time it’s interweb stuff so I don’t know exactly what I’m doing or even complaining about) are trying to make the Noah of Cape Town web site. Big Friendly has a list of things he needs me to do and he is setting up profiles, pages, and thingamies. My head is almost exploding.

image It’s true. I am a addict. I change my status and let everybody know what I’m doing and how I feel. I comment on the status of my facebook friends, and I look at their photos; of their animals and birthday parties and children. I join groups and become a fan of famous people. My blog is linked to facebook. I send messages about TheatreSports to the and I follow other interesting groups and events. I market all my productions on facebook and find out what other theatre sorts are up to. I check in to facebook often and I love it. But mostly I love Scrabble on facebook. I play with my friends. We have these slow, word a day games that are delicious. And then I play complete strangers. It’s fast, ruthless and totally addictive. I’m getting quite good actually. Anyone for a game?

Finally joining the Dalai Lama Visa issue circus

I really, really, really wanted this one to happen without me writing a post. I have signed the petitions, joined the facebook groups, Avaaz, Care 2, you name it. I share the sentiment of every shocked and concerned liberal with enough education to revere the Dalai Lama. So there’s nothing new there. But hau bo! ANC, nou maak jy my bietjie heeltemal mal!

Poor ole Barbara Hogan, inheritor of the biggest mess of a portfolio from Manto ‘Meshuga’ Msimang, who is actually getting down and doing a good job, has been shooshed and will probably find life a little more difficult because she didn’t toe the party line about the Dalai Lama not being granted a visa. Shame. It’s kak to have an opinion and then express it hey Barbs? Seems you forgot that the ANC has only one way of thinking and everyone in the party agrees. Eish.

Bob Maniac Mugabe pops in and out of SA like a weasel, crooks buy luxury beachfront houses to hide in and spend their loot, despots, crackpots, and the politically cooked are all entertained in the Tuinhuis. But the Dalai Lama can’t come because he will detract from the 2010 soccer world cup. I can’t even think of one more clever thing to say. I am totally floored.

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